Miroslav Englis's papers
Reprints/files of papers that have already appeared can be obtained from the
- M. Englis: Toeplitz operators on Bergman-type spaces, Ph.D.
thesis (kandidatska disertacni prace), MU CSAV, Praha, 1991.
Original version: dvi, ps,
pdf (90 pages); smaller font version (68 pages):
dvi, ps, pdf.
[Appeared actually between 3. and 4. below.]
- M. Englis: A note on Toeplitz operators on Bergman spaces, Comm. Math.
Univ. Carolinae 29 (1988) 217 -- 219.
- M. Englis: Some density theorems for Toeplitz operators on
Bergman spaces, Czech. Math. Journal 40 (1990), 491--502.
- M. Englis: A class of weighted composition operators on $H^2$,
Cas. Pest. Mat. 115 (1990), 405--423.
- M. Englis: Density of algebras generated by Toeplitz operators
on Bergman spaces, Ark. Mat. 30 (1992), 227--243.
- M. Englis: Toeplitz operators on Cartan domains essentially
commute with a bilateral shift, Proceedings Amer. Math. Soc. 117 (1993),
- M. Englis: Functions invariant under the Berezin transform,
J. Funct. Anal. 121 (1994), 233--254.
- M. Englis: Toeplitz operators and the Berezin transform on
$H^2$, Linear Alg. Appl. 223/224 (1995), 171--204.
- M. Englis: Berezin transform and the Laplace-Beltrami operator,
Algebra i Analiz 7 (1995), 176--195; translation in St. Petersburg
Math. J. 7 (1996), 633--647.
- M. Englis: Asymptotics of reproducing kernels on a plane domain,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1995), 3157--3160.
- M. Englis, J. Peetre: On the correspondence principle for the
quantized annulus, Math. Scand. 78(1996), 183--206.
- M. Englis: Asymptotics of the Berezin transform and quantization on
planar domains, Duke Math. J. 79 (1995), 57--76.
- M. Englis: Berezin quantization and reproducing kernels
on complex domains, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 348 (1996), 411--479.
- M. Englis, J. Peetre: A Green's function for the annulus,
Annali di Math. Pura Appl. (IV) 171 (1996), 313--377.
- M. Englis, J. Peetre: Covariant differential operators and Green
functions, Ann. Polon. Math. LXVI (1997), 77--103.
- M. Englis, J. Peetre: Covariant Cauchy-Riemann operators and higher
Laplacians on Kaehler manifolds, J. reine angew. Math. 478 (1996), 17--56.
- M. Englis, J. Peetre: Green's functions for powers of the invariant
Laplacian, Canadian J. Math. 50 (1998), 40-73.
- M. Englis: A Loewner-type lemma for weighted biharmonic operators,
Pacific J. Math. 179 (1997), 343--353.
- M. Englis: Asymptotic behaviour of reproducing kernels of weighted
Bergman spaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 349 (1997), 3717--3735.
- M. Englis: Invariant operators and the Berezin transform on Cartan
domains, Math. Nachrichten 195 (1998), 61-75.
- M. Englis: Weighted biharmonic Green functions for rational weights,
Glasgow Math. J. 41 (1999), 239-269.
- M. Englis: Asymptotic behaviour of reproducing kernels, Berezin
quantization and mean-value theorems. In: S. Saitoh, D. Alpay, J.A. Ball,
T. Ohsawa (editors), Reproducing kernels and their applications, pp. 53--64.
Proceedings of the 1997 ISAAC International Congress at the University of
Delaware, International Society for Analysis, Applications and Computation,
Vol. 3. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1999.
- M. Englis: A mean value theorem on bounded symmetric domains,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 127 (1999), 3259-3268.
- M. Englis: Compact Toeplitz operators via the Berezin transform on
bounded symmetric domains, Integral Eq. Oper. Theory 33 (1999), 426-455;
ERRATUM, ibid. 34 (1999), 500-501.
- M. Englis: A Forelli-Rudin construction and asymptotics of weighted
Bergman kernels, J. Funct. Anal. 177 (2000), 257--281.
- M. Englis: The asymptotics of a Laplace integral on a Kaehler
manifold, J. reine angew. Math. 528 (2000), 1-39.
- M. Englis: Zeroes of the Bergman kernel of Hartogs domains,
Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 41 (2000), 199-202.
- M. Englis, J. Peetre: Green functions and eigenfunction expansions
for the square of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on plane domains,
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 181 (2002), 463-500.
- C. Ambrozie, M. Englis, V. Muller: Operator tuples and analytic
models over general domains in C^n, J. Oper. Theory 47 (2002), 287-302.
(See also my talk at the Workshop in Nemecka, September 1999:
dvi, ps,
- M. Englis, S.C. Hille, J. Peetre, H. Rosengren, G. Zhang: A new
kind of Hankel-Toeplitz type operator, Arab J. Math. Sci. 6 (2000), 49--80.
- master copy.
- J. Arazy, M. Englis: Iterates and the boundary behaviour of the
Berezin transform, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 51 (2001), 1101--1133.
- M. Englis: Pseudolocal estimates for $\overline\partial$ on general
pseudoconvex domains, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 50 (2001), 1593--1607.
ERRATUM (sent to the journal in 2004, but apparently never printed):
dvi, ps, pdf.
- M. Englis: Weighted Bergman kernels and quantization, Comm. Math. Phys.
227 (2002), 211-241.
[Also appeared as Erwin
Schroedinger Intitute (Wien) preprint no. 932.]
(See also my talk at the Hayama Symposium on Several Complex Variables 2002
- dvi, ps,
- M. Englis: Green functions for powers of the Laplace-Beltrami operator.
In: M. Cwikel, M. Englis, A. Kufner, L.-E. Persson, G. Sparr (editors),
Function spaces, interpolation theory and related topics (Lund, 2000),
pp. 285--309. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 2002.
- J. Arazy, M. Englis: Analytic models for commuting operator tuples on
bounded symmetric domains, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355 (2003), 837-864.
- M. Englis: A no-go theorem for nonlinear canonical quantization,
Comm. Theor. Phys. 37 (2002), 287--288.
- S.T. Ali, M. Englis: Quantization methods: a guide for physicists and
analysts, Rev. Math. Phys. 17 (2005), 391-490.
- M. Englis, D. Lukkassen, J. Peetre, L.-E. Persson: On the formula of
Jacques-Louis Lions for reproducing kernels of harmonic and other functions,
J. reine angew. Math. 570 (2004), 89--129.
- M. Englis: A review of (Berezin and other) quantization methods.
In: J.-P. Gazeau, R. Kerner, J.-P. Antoine, S. Metens,
J.-Y. Thibon (editors), GROUP 24 --- Physical and Mathematical Aspects
of Symmetries (Paris, 2002), pp. 73--80. Conference Series 173, IOP
Publishing, Bristol-Philadelphia, 2003.
- M. Englis: Some problems in operator theory on bounded symmetric domains.
In: Representations of Lie groups, harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces
and quantization (G. van Dijk and V.F. Molchanov, eds.)
(Leiden, 2002), Acta Appl. Math. 81 (2004), 51--71.
- M. Englis, T. Haenninen, J. Taskinen: Minimal $L^\infty$-type spaces
on strictly pseudoconvex domains on which the Bergman projection is continuous,
Houst. J. Math. 32 (2006), 253--275.
- M. Englis: Berezin-Toeplitz quantization and invariant symbolic
calculi, Lett. Math. Phys. 65 (2003), 59--74.
- M. Englis: Berezin-Toeplitz quantization on the Schwartz space of
bounded symmetric domains, J. Lie Theory 15 (2005), 27--50.
- M. Englis: Operator models and Arveson's curvature invariant.
In: K. Jarosz and A. Soltysiak (editors), Topological Algebras,
their Applications, and Related Topics (Bedlewo, 2003), Banach Center
Publications 67, PAN, Warszawa 2005, pp. 171--183.
- M. Englis: Some variations on the Berezin quantization method.
In: J. Govaerts, M.N. Hounkonnou, A.M. Msezane (editors),
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Contemporary Problems in Mathematical
Physics (CoProMaPh3, Cotonou, Benin, November 2003), World Scientific,
Singapore, 2004, pp. 450--464.
- M. Englis, G. Zhang: On the Faraut-Koranyi hypergeometric functions
in rank two, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 54 (2004), 1855--1875.
- S.T. Ali, M. Englis, J.-P. Gazeau: Vector coherent states from
Plancherel's theorem, Clifford algebras and matrix domains. J. Phys. A:
Math. Gen. 37 (2004), 6067 - 6089.
- M. Englis: A characterization of symmetric domains, J. Math. Kyoto
Univ. 46 (2006), 123--146.
- J. Bonet, M. Englis, J. Taskinen: Weighted L-infinity-estimates for
Bergman projections, Studia Math. 171 (2005), 67--92.
- M. Englis, G. Zhang: On a generalized Forelli-Rudin construction,
Complex Variables Ellipt. Eqs. 51 (2006), 277--294.
- M. Englis, G. Zhang: On the derivatives of the Berezin transform,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 134 (2006), 2285--2294.
- M. Englis: Qp-spaces: generalizations to bounded symmetric domains.
In: Complex Analysis and its Applications (Y. Wang, S. Wu,
H. Wulan and L. Yang, editors), proceedings of the 13th ICFIDCAA
(Shantou, 2005), World Scientific, 2006, pp. 53--71.
- M. Englis: Berezin and Berezin-Toeplitz quantizations for general
function spaces. Rev. Mat. Complut. 19 (2006), 385--430.
- S.-T. Ali, M. Englis: Berezin-Toeplitz quantization over matrix domains,
in: Contributions in Mathematical Physics. A tribute to Gerard
G. Emch (S. Twareque Ali and Kalyan B. Sinha, editors),
Hindustany Book Agency, New Delhi, 2007 (xviii + 217 pages), pp. 1--36.
- M. Englis: Toeplitz operators and group representations, J. Fourier
Anal. Appl. 13 (2007), 243--265.
- M. Englis: Berezin transforms on pluriharmonic Bergman spaces,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 361 (2009), 1173-1188.
(See also my talks at Leipzig/Hayama 2005: dvi,
ps, pdf.)
- M.Englis: Weighted Bergman kernels and balanced metrics,
RIMS Kokyuroku 1487 (2006), 40--54.
- M. Englis, J. Taskinen: Deformation quantization and Borel's theorem
in locally convex spaces, Studia Math. 180 (2007), 77--93.
- M. Englis: Toeplitz operators and localization operators,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 361 (2009), 1039-1052.
- M. Englis: Toeplitz operators and weighted Bergman kernels,
J. Funct. Anal. 255 (2008), 1419--1457.
- S. Twareque Ali, M. Englis: A matrix-valued Berezin-Toeplitz
quantization, J. Math. Phys. 48 (2007), 053504, 14 pp.
- J. Arazy, M. Englis: Qp-spaces on bounded symmetric domains,
J. Funct. Spaces Appl. 6 (2008), 205--240.
- J. Arazy, M. Englis, W. Kaup: Holomorphic retractions and boundary
Berezin transforms, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 59 (2009), 641-657.
- M. Englis: Singular Berezin transforms, Compl. Anal. Oper. Theory 1
(2007), 533--548.
- M. Englis: Boundary behaviour of the Bergman invariant and related
quantities, Monatsh. Math. 154 (2008), 19-37.
- M. Englis, K. Guo, G. Zhang: Toeplitz and Hankel operators and Dixmier
traces on the unit ball of Cn, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2009), 3669--3678.
- M. Englis, G. Zhang: Ramadanov conjecture and line bundles over
compact Hermitian symmetric spaces, Math. Z. 264 (2010), 901--912.
- M. Englis, R. Otahalova: Covariant derivatives of the Berezin transform,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011), 5111--5129.
- M. Englis: Weighted Bergman kernels for logarithmic weights,
Pure Appl. Math. Quarterly (Kohn special issue) 6 (2010), 781--813.
- M. Englis, R. Rochberg: The Dixmier trace of Hankel operators on the
Bergman space, J. Funct. Anal. 257 (2009), 1445--1479.
- M. Englis, H. Upmeier: Toeplitz quantization and asymptotic expansions
for real bounded symmetric domains, Math. Z. 268 (2011), 931--967.
- M. Englis, H. Upmeier: Toeplitz quantization and asymptotic expansions:
geometric construction, SIGMA 5 (2009), 021, 30 pages.
- M. Englis, G. Zhang: Hankel operators and the Dixmier trace on strictly
pseudoconvex domains, Docum. Math. 15 (2010), 601--622.
- M. Englis: Berezin transform on the harmonic Fock space, J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 367 (2010), 75--97.
- M. Englis: Analytic continuation of weighted Bergman kernels,
J. Math. Pures Appl. 94 (2010), 622--650.
- M. Englis, H. Upmeier: Toeplitz quantization and asymptotic expansions:
Peter-Weyl decomposition, Integ. Eqs. Oper. Theory 68 (2010), 427--449.
- M. Englis, H. Upmeier: Real Berezin transform and asymptotic expansion
for symmetric spaces of compact and non-compact type, in: Recent Progress
in Operator Theory and Its Applications (J.A. Ball, R.E. Curto,
S.M. Grudsky, J.W. Helton, R. Quiroga-Barranco,
N.L. Vasilevski, editors), pp. 97-114, Operator Theory:
Advances and Applications vol. 220, Birkh\"auser, Basel -
Dordrecht - Heidelberg - Boston - New York, 2010.
- H. Bommier-Hato, M. Englis, E.-H. Youssfi: Bergman-type projections on
generalized Fock spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 389 (2012), 1086--1104.
- S.-T. Ali, M. Englis: Wigner transform and pseudodifferential operators
on symmetric spaces of non-compact type, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.
44 (2011), 215206 (17 pp).
- H. Bommier-Hato, M. Englis, E.-H. Youssfi: Dixmier trace and the
Fock space, Bull. Sci. Math. 138 (2014), 199--224.
- M. Englis: Boundary singularity of Poisson and harmonic Bergman kernels,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 429 (2015), 233--272.
- M. Englis: An excursion into Berezin-Toeplitz quantization and
related topics, in: Quantization, PDEs, and Geometry (D. Bahns,
W. Bauer, I. Witt, editors), pp. 69--115, Operator Theory
Advances and Applications 251, Birkh\"auser, 2016.
- M. Englis, H. Upmeier: Asymptotic expansions for Toeplitz operators
on symmetric spaces of general type, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015),
- H. Bommier-Hato, M. Englis, E.-H. Youssfi: Dixmier classes on generalized
Segal-Bargmann-Fock spaces, J. Func. Anal. 266 (2014), 2096--2124.
- H. Bommier-Hato, M. Englis, E.-H. Youssfi: Analytic continuation of
Toeplitz operators, J. Geom. Anal. 25 (2015), 2323--2359.
- M. Englis, J. Eschmeier: Geometric Arveson-Douglas conjecture,
Adv. Math. 274 (2015), 606--630.
- S.-T. Ali, M. Englis: Hermite polynomials and quasi-classical asymptotics,
J. Math. Phys. 55 (2014), 042102.
- M. Englis, K. Falk, B. Iochum: Spectral triples and Toeplitz operators,
J. Noncomm. Geom. 9 (2015), 1041--1076.
- M. Englis, H. Xu: Forelli-Rudin construction and asymptotic expansion of
Szeg\"o kernel on Reinhardt domains, Osaka J. Math. 52 (2015), 905--929.
- H. Bommier-Hato, M. Englis, E.-H. Youssfi: Bergman kernels, TYZ expansions
and Hankel operators on the Kepler manifold, J. Funct. Anal. 271 (2016),
- S.-T. Ali, M. Englis: Orthogonal polynomials, Laguerre Fock space and
quasi-classical asymptotics, J. Math. Phys. 56 (2015), 072109.
- M. Englis: High-power asymptotics of some weighted harmonic Bergman
kernels, J. Funct. Anal. 271 (2016), 1243--1261.
- M. Englis: Sobolev spaces on bounded symmetric domains, Complex Vars.
Ellipt. Eqs. 60 (2015), 1712--1726.
- M. Englis: Hankel operators and the Dixmier trace on the Hardy space,
J. London Math. Soc. 94 (2016), 337--356.
- S.H.H. Chowdhury, S.-T. Ali, M. Englis: Noncommutative coherent states and
related aspects of Berezin-Toeplitz quantization, J. Phys. A: Math.
Theor. 50 (2017), 195203 (19 pp.).
- M. Englis, G. Zhang: Toeplitz operators on higher Cauchy-Riemann spaces,
Documenta Math. 22 (2017), 1081--1116.
- M. Englis, H. Upmeier: Reproducing kernel functions and asymptotic
expansions on Jordan-Kepler manifolds, Adv. Math. 347 (2019), 780--826.
- M. Englis: Uniqueness of smooth radial balanced metrics on the disc,
Complex Vars. Ellipt. Eqs. 64 (2019), 519-549.
- M. Englis, H. Xu: Higher Laplace-Beltrami operators on bounded symmetric
domains, Acta Math. Sinica 34 (2018), 1297--1312.
- H. Bommier-Hato, M. Englis, E.-H. Youssfi: Radial balanced metrics on
the unit ball of the Kepler manifold, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 475 (2019),
- M. Englis, G. Zhang: Connection and curvature on bundles of Bergman
and Hardy spaces, Doc. Math. 25 (2020), 189--217.
- M. Englis: $Q_p$-spaces for weighted Moebius actions, J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 477 (2019), 1434--1462.
- M. Englis, E.-H. Youssfi: $M$-harmonic reproducing kernels on the ball,
J. Funct. Anal. 286 (2024), 110187.
- M. Englis, E.-H. Youssfi, G. Zhang: Weighted Bergman kernels for nearly
holomorphic functions on bounded symmetric domains, J. Funct. Anal. 286
(2024), 110213.
- P. Blaschke, M. Englis: $M$-harmonic Szeg\"o kernel on the ball,
in: Bergman kernels and related topics (K. Hirachi, T. Ohsawa,
S. .Takayama, J. Kamimoto, editors), pp. 105--120,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 447, Springer,2024.
- M. Englis, E.-H. Youssfi: The $M$-harmonic Dirichlet space on the ball,
- P. Blaschke, M. Englis, E.-H. Youssfi: A Moebius invariant space of
$H$-harmonic functions on the ball, submitted.